Efficient Collection, Flexible and Easy-to-use Clinical Research Data Solution


A single disease data management and tracking tool, uncovering the research value in clinical data and accumulating it as digital assets

Full Life Cycle
Patient enrollment, follow-up, dropout, and death
Project application, initiation, implementation, and conclusion
Flexible Uses
Data capture, analysis, and storage
Quick updates, multi-center sharing
Structural Integrations

Text, tabular, DICOM image, video, PDF, streaming data

Plug and Play
Big data, Internet, IoT, HIS Integration


Integrated Clinical Scenario
Mobile tools streamline patient enrollment and follow-ups during clinical processes.
Enhancing Patient Participation
A flexible database simplifies patient data collection and integration, enhancing the value of treatment results.
Reducing Manual Efforts
AI technology optimizes follow-ups, personalizes reports, and improves patient retention.


We have extensive experience in medical-engineering integration and a well-established research and development system, successfully transforming accumulated digital assets into scientific research results.

Single Disease Knowledge Graph

Machine Learning Modeling

Generative AI


Scientific research results carry a large amount of clinical value and commercial value. Transforming them into medical device products is the optimal way to realize their value.

Mycoach Health Limited
 Contact Us

Unit 539, Building 19W, Hong Kong Science Park

Pak Shek Kok, N.T., Hong Kong539

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